Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - Results 

Tie 1st Place - $1,625 - Molly Schuyler 34 Burgers

Tie 1st Place  $1,625 - Dan “Killer” Kennedy 34 Burgers

3rd Place - $1,000 Joel Hansen 30 Burgers

Molly Schuyler Captures Record 10th Title, But Shares 2024 Title with Dan “Killer” Kennedy, Each Downing 34 Burgers In 10 Minutes at 15th Annual Z-Burger

Independence Burger Eating Championship

WASHINGTON, DC (July 3, 2024) – Cheered on by a boisterous crowd clearly showing their love, Molly Schuyler today claimed her 10th trophy – this year sharing the title with Dan “Killer” Kennedy, each of them devouring 34 burgers in 10 minutes to win the 15th Annual Z-Burger Independence Burger Eating Championship this afternoon (Wed., July 3) at the Tenleytown Z-Burger in Northwest Washington, DC.


Kennedy (West Decatur, Pa.), a five-time runner-up here, took a quick early lead over all competitors, but while he slowed down, Schuyler maintained a consistent pace throughout pulling even as time was called. The 44-year-old mother of four from Harwood, Md. and Kennedy split the first and second place prize money, each pocketing $1,625.


Joel Hansen, Canada’s top-ranked competitive eater, captured third place for the third straight year – every year he has competed, finishing 30 burgers for US $1,000 prize money.


The other top finishers for the afternoon were Robert McGee (New York) in fourth place in his second time competing, with 15 burgers, Andrew Krawczyk (Raleigh, NC) in fifth with 10 burgers, and sixth place brought another tie – Washingtonians Paul Cho and Cyrus Jalinous, finishing 9 burgers.


McGee earned $750, with $500 for Krawczyk and $250 each for Cho and Jalinous.


“The Z-Burger Independence Burger Eating Contest has earned its place as a major event on the competitive food eating landscape, each year adding exciting new elements for the crowds and the competitors,” said founder Peter Tabibian, proprietor of 15 Z-Burger retail locations and the popular Z-Burger food truck.  “We are thrilled to once again welcome a full field of competitors and an enthusiastic crowd of spectators.  There’s always great anticipation leading up to our event, with inquiries from across the country from many of those within the competitive eating community. They consider us one of the real ‘go-to’ events of the year.” 


About Z-Burger               

Z-Burger is a quick-casual American restaurant known for its burgers, fries, onion rings and 75 milkshake flavors. Z-Burger operates 14 locations in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.



Kenny Fried of Brotman•Winter•Fried at or 202-468-8200